Your constantly using supplies or having issues pop up. There isn’t much time to appreciate a job well done or a successful supply run. This means there will be a lot of maintenance, supply runs, and managing a group of people with different backgrounds and personalities. While most zombie games only want you to focus on killing a lot of zombies, State of Decay often wants you to focus on what you’re doing when you’re not killing them. What makes State of Decay truly different in comparison to other zombie survival games is the daily minutiae. The balancing act of making sure that I made the right choices was thrilling and made me anxious and excited the more I played. Such consequences include one of my characters getting angry and causing turmoil in the base, other communities shunning me and refusing to work with me, or even permanent death for a character I cared about. State of Decay features real consequences that cannot be reversed and made each moment feel essential Each choice I made mattered, and each choice could lead to my community thriving or my community completely falling apart. I found the stress of deciding what to do every day completely compelling. This is the main thrust of the game, and will be fun for some and completely frustrating for others. Just like in a real life scenario, you will need to prioritize what you do and choose what you ignore. There is constantly something that needs tending to, and there will never be enough time to deal with everything. The game often times will feel like you are performing a juggling act. The game starts out giving you 3 survivors who have unique skills and traits, and you have the option to grow your group as you play.Ī typical session of State of Decay will involve you maintaining your base, going out in the world and looking for supplies, responding to calls from outside survivors, and making sure that everyone has their needs met. You can choose who you play as, who you prioritize, who thrives and who succumbs to the elements.

You control a group of survivors who each have their own personalities, desires, and needs. State of Decay 2 is a mish-mash of survival horror and maintenance simulation. From maintenance to your base of operations to doing supply runs, you’ll spend a lot of your time hoping to avoid the zombies instead of seeking them out. State of Decay is a game that focuses on living through every single day of a zombie apocalypse and dealing with everything that brings. In this game you can definitely kill a lot of zombies, but for a lot of your time in this world, you’ll be focused on surviving at any cost. State of Decay 2 was released in May of 2018 and didn’t exactly offer what the genre had given previously. Most games in this genre are simply about mowing down the undead with a variety of weapons and living through an ultimate post apocalyptic fantasy. From Dead Rising to Left 4 Dead to Dead Island, there have been plenty of hits and misses.

Sales for May, though, are down by four per cent year-on-year, from $285m (£214m) to $274m (£206m), though the market as a whole is up 13 per cent up thanks to a 26 per cent rise in hardware sales compared to last May, up from $147m (£110m) to $186m (£140m).The Open World zombie genre has seen its fair share of interpretations over the last two decades.
State of decay 3 genres software#
With the software market as a whole up by seven per cent year-on-year and 15 per cent when hardware and accessories are factored in. Year to date Far Cry 5 still tops the charts, with God of War and Monster Hunter: World behind it. In what will become an increasing problem for chart watchers as their market increases as Switch continues to grow.
State of decay 3 genres full#
While Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze benefited from practically a full month of sales to slide into 5th spot, noting as always that’s physical data only, as Nintendo doesn’t release its digital sales figures. Detroit: Become Human launched on the 25th of May, though its launch period couldn’t lift above its stablemate, or State of Decay 2, which came out just three days earlier.įar Cry 5 continues to perform, holding the 4th spot in its 3rd month in these charts. That means God Of War has continued to sell strongly, with its launch coming in April. Sony takes the next two spots with God of War and Detroit: Become Human in second and third places respectively.